Driving licences

Anyone who would like to apply for a driving licence or to renew an existing licence must fill out a self-certification concerning their own health. This is done at traffic stations. This certification declares that you are in good enough health to drive. If you have an illness or condition that could affect your ability to drive, you must also obtain a health certificate from your doctor.

Anyone who would like to apply for a class 2 or 3 driving licence must always obtain a health certificate from their doctor.

If you are uncertain as to whether you can drive safely as a result of health problems or any medication you are taking, you are duty-bound to consult with a doctor on this. Should a doctor, psychologist or optician feel that you do not fulfil the health requirements for holding a driving licence, he or she must inform the County Governor of such. The County Governor will inform the police if the driving licence needs to be partially or fully revoked. The police also have the authority to reinstate an individual’s right to drive. 

New health requirements as of 1 October 2016

Doctors now have a greater responsibility to assess each individual, and it has become more difficult to obtain an exemption from the health requirements. The County Governor may only make such exemptions in exceptional cases. The applicant’s need for a driving licence will no longer be taken into account in the County Governor’s considerations on this matter.

If you have had an application regarding a driving licence refused by the County Governor, you can appeal this decision. Upon notification of the appeal, the County Governor will once again review the case and assess whether there are grounds for amending this decision. If the decision is upheld, the County Governor will forward the matter on to the National Office for Health Service Appeals for review. 

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